
Area of UNESCO glaciers
Median annual temperature

Additional Data

About 1% of mainland Norway is covered by glaciers and ice caps, most of which are concentrated around the Jostedalsbreen and the Svartisen ice cap. There are in total 1,627 glaciers, all of which have been slowly receding. Norway is a relatively small country, but the total area covered by glaciers is proportionally higher than for most other countries in Europe. The country depends on 98% of hydropower electricity, generated by 15% of the glaciers. Increased summer melting causes a great water discharge from the ice, potentially causing flood damages. More often snowfall presents challenges for agriculture and a warming climate brings new species to the northern region, affecting the ecosystem of current species.

Glacier retreat 1995–2050
0mt CO2
emissions per capita
0M km2
Land mass

Retreat until 2050 by glacier

-78%West Norwegian Fjords